Jobs in Philosophy in Europe

Ben Hurion University of the Negev,
Post date: January 24, 2012
Assistant Professor/Lecturer
Deadline: March 20, 2012

The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, will be hiring someone to fill a tenure-track position at the level of Lecturer (Assistant Professor). The successful candidate must hold a Ph.D. in Philosophy, prior to appointment. The areas of specialization and competence are open, but the Department has research and teaching interests in Ethics, Political Philosophy, and Continental Philosophy.
 The deadline for applications is March 20, 2012
 Language of instruction: Hebrew.

Applications should include the following items:
• Cover letter stating willingness to begin teaching in the fall of 2012
• Curriculum Vitae
• “Scientific biography” outlining research orientation and plans for coming years
• A description of four courses the candidate can teach
• Electronic copies of 2 articles (published or unpublished)
• In addition, three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the search committee.
All material should be sent to the Dean’s office, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: deanh [__at__] bgu [dot] ac [dot] il

Universität Siegen,
Post date: January 20, 2012
Wiss. Mitarbeiter Philosophie (Didaktik)
Deadline: February 3, 2012

Die Universität Siegen ist mit ca. 15.500 Studierenden, 1.600 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern, davon ca. 1.000 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern eine innovative und interdisziplinär ausgerichtete Universität. Sie bietet mit einem breiten Fächerspektrum von den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften über die Wirtschaftswissenschaften bis zu den Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften ein hervorragendes Lehr- und Forschungsumfeld mit zahlreichen inter- und transdisziplinären Forschungsprojekten.
Im Philosophischen Seminar der Philosophischen Fakultät zum 1.4.2012 die Stelle einer/eines
Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiters
(Entgeltgruppe 13 TV‐L)
befristet für drei Jahre (mit der Möglichkeit der Verlängerung um weitere drei Jahre) zu besetzen.

Die Beschäftigungsdauer richtet sich nach den Vorschriften des Wissenschaftzeitvertragsgesetzes.
Ihre Aufgaben:
• Durchführung fachdidaktischer Lehrveranstaltungen in den Studiengängen Lehramt für Gymnasien, Lehramt für Haupt‐/ Real-/ und Gesamtschulen, B.A. Philosophie und M.A. Philosophie (Ergänzungsfach) im Umfang von 4 SWS
• Fachdidaktische Betreuung und Beratung der Studierenden für den Bereich „Didaktik der Philosophie“ im Rahmen der eigenen Lehrveranstaltungen
• Vorbereitungs- und Begleitseminare zum Praxissemester in den Lehramtsstudiengängen
• Mitarbeit bei der Betreuung der Studiengänge (Koordination des Lehrangebots; Vergabe von Lehraufträgen; Re-Akkreditierung von Studiengängen; Änderungen der Studienordnungen; Beantwortung von Anfragen zum Studienaufbau, Lehrangebot, zu Leistungsanforderungen und Prüfungen etc.)
Es handelt sich um eine Stelle zur wissenschaftlichen Weiterqualifikation (Promotion/Habilitation). Hierzu wird im Rahmen der Dienstaufgaben Gelegenheit gegeben.
Ihr Profil:
• qualifizierter Abschluss in Philosophie (Magister, Staatsexamen oder Promotion)
• fachdidaktische Qualifikationen
• Lehrerfahrung in Schule und Hochschule erwünscht
Die Universität Siegen strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen an. Entsprechend
qualifizierte Frauen werden um ihre Bewerbung gebeten. Die Universität Siegen bietet gute
Möglichkeiten, Beruf und Familie zu vereinbaren.

Bewerbungen geeigneter Schwerbehinderter sind erwünscht.

Auskunft erteilt Prof. Dr. Dieter Schönecker, Telefon : 0271 740 4477; dieter [dot] schoenecker [__at__] uni-siegen [dot] de

Wenn Sie sich für diese Position interessieren, senden Sie bitte Ihre vollständigen und aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen in üblicher schriftlicher Form (Lebenslauf, Zeugnisse, Themen der bisher durchgeführten Lehrveranstaltungen) bis zum 3. Februar 2012 an die Universität Siegen, Philosophische Fakultät, z.Hd. Prof. Dr. Dieter Schönecker, D-57068 Siegen; Bewerbungen in elektronischer Form schicken Sie bitte an schulte [__at__] philosophie [dot] uni-siegen [dot] de

Informationen über die Universität Siegen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage

Department of Philosophy, University of Cagliari,
Post date: January 2, 2012
Deadline: January 5, 2012

*Joint Ph.D. Program in History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science,
University of Cagliari, Italy*

We welcome and highly encourage applications by international students, as
well as Italian ones, wishing to pursue a research project in areas of
(1) history of science, (2) mathematical logic and philosophy of science,
(3) didactics of science, (4) theories of languages and scientific
communication. We expect to admit a total of 6 students and award
3 fellowships (renewable up to completion of the program); 1 fellowship is
reserved to international students. In addition, 2 more admissions (without
any fellowship) are reserved to international students. *It is expected that
at least one fellowship will be awarded to students in the Mathematical Logic
and Philosophy of Science curriculum*.

*1. General information on the program*
The Ph.D. Program in History, Philosophy and Didactics of Science was
instituted in 2004. The program is limited in size, so that each student may
work closely with our faculty and receive substantial individual attention.

*2. Structure of the program*
The program consists of 3 semesters of coursework followed by 3 semesters of
supervised dissertation research. It is divided into four curricula:
a) History of Science; b) Mathematical Logic and Philosophy of Science;
c) Didactics of Science; d) Theories of Languages and Scientific Communication.

*3. Admission*
3.1 Eligibility - Students holding a bachelor's or master's degree from an
accredited university are eligible to apply for admission. Given the
interdisciplinary nature of the program, the backgrounds of prospective
students may vary considerably,
ranging from scientific disciplines -- e.g. physics, mathematics, the life
sciences -- to the humanities -- e.g. philosophy, psychology, education.

3.2 Application - Students are admitted only once each academic year, in the
Spring semester, beginning in March. The deadline for application for the
Spring semester, 2012 will be *January 5, 2012*. Applications should be
submitted on-line, at the address .
Before submitting your application you must register, by clicking on the link
"Registration". After registering, you should enter the Reserved Area -->
Registrar's Office --> Admission Test --> Registration --> Ph.D. Course.
Here, you should look for "Scuola di Dottorato in Filosofia ed Epistemologia -
Dottorato in Storia, Filosofia e Didattica delle Scienze"
and click on Iscriviti --> Confirm. After submitting your on-line application
you should pay an application fee ofEUR 21.00. You cannot pay this fee before
two working days are elapsed from the date of your on-line application.
The application fee is payable on-line by credit card, by clicking on
Registrar's Office --> Payments. Evidence of the fee payment should be
enclosed in the documentation to be submitted by post (see sec. 3.3 below).

3.3 Admission screening - International applicants should submit:
(1) printed application form (generated upon completion of the on-line
application procedure);
(2) a Skype account to be used for a videocall interview (see below);
(3) double sided color copy of a valid ID.The ID picture must be clearly
(4) evidence of the fee payment;
(5) official university transcript, showing the degree earned, and all the
courses taken with corresponding grades.If not in English,
the transcript should be translated in English or Italian.Either an
original transcript or a certified copy may be submitted;
(6) a curriculum vitae (with signature) including a statement of purpose and a
listing of relevant publications, activities, projects, etc.;
(7) at least one recommendation letter by a professor from the University that
granted the degree;
(8) publications or documentation concerning relevant activities, projects,
professional experience, /etc./ Publications and documentation should
be submitted in either English or Italian.

All items listed above should be sent by registered mail with delivery
confirmation (or equivalent means) to the following address:

Università degli Studi di Cagliari,
Settore dottorati e master
via San Giorgio, 12 (ex Clinica Aresu)
09124 Cagliari, ITALY

The complete application package must be received by *12:00 a.m. January 5, 2012*.

Italian residents should submit documentation according to "Bando di Concorso,
Decreto Rettorale n. 109 del 25.11.2011", available at

All applicants will then be required to take part in an oral selection,
consisting of an interview, to be held in English or Italian (on *January 17,
2012*), either in Cagliari or by Skype videocall, with members of the Graduate
Studies Committee. The interview will mainly focus on the applicant's research
interests. Notification of admission and financial assistance (if any) will be
made shortly after the screening.

3.4 Financial assistance - All enrolled students will be granted tuition
waivers. In addition, a number of stipends will be awarded, partly depending
on the availability of sponsorships by public or private institutions.
At present, we expect to award 3 fellowships (renewable up to completion of the
program) out of a total of 6 regular admissions; 1 fellowship is reserved to
international students. In addition, 2 special admissions (without any
fellowship) will be reserved to international students.

5.4 Residency requirements - At least four semesters must be spent in resident
study at the University of Cagliari. The remaining two semesters may be spent
at other accredited Italian or foreign universities. All students are
encouraged to spend at least one semester abroad; in particular, students
receiving financial assistance may apply for a 50% grant raise for each stay
at a foreign university (provided its duration is at least one month).

*6. Facilities*

Students may access the facilities of the Department of Philosophy and Human
Sciences -- in particular, they will share an office with other students in
the program.

*7. Final examination*

The dissertation will be evaluated by a Board appointed by the Graduate Studies
Committee. In addition, a report from an external referee will be taken into
account. The candidate is expected to orally defend her/his dissertation before
the Board. A Board member may vote to pass the student only if in his/her
opinion the dissertation is acceptable as submitted or if it requires changes
that are minor in substance or of an editorial nature. A student may pass only
if a consensus is reached among the Board members.

*8. Members of the Logic and Philosophy of Science research group*

The aspirant will have the opportunity to actively cooperate in research
activities with the following members of the Logic and Philosophy of Science
research group (full, associate, or assistant professors in this list may also
be chosen as advisors).
*Roberto Giuntini* (Full professor): quantum logic, fuzzy logic, quantum
*Marco Giunti*giunti [__at__] unica [dot] it (Associate professor,
Graduate Coordinator): dynamical systems, computation theory, formal ontology,
philosophy of cognitive science, general philosophy of science, philosophy
of mind
*Francesco Paoli*(Associate professor): nonclassical logics, abstract
algebraic logic, universal algebra, philosophy of logic
*Antonio Ledda*(Assistant Professor): nonclassical logics, universal algebra,
abstract algebraic logic
*Hector Freytes*(Visiting Professor): quantum logic, fuzzy logic,
categorical logic
*Giuseppe Sergioli*(Postdoctoral researcher): quantum computation, foundations
of physics
*Giuliano Vivanet*(Postdoctoral researcher): learning theories, educational
technologies, semantic web and ontology

Aspirants will also have the opportunity to interact with long term visiting
professors from major international institutions who visit our University, often
on a regular basis. Our visitor list for the year 2012 includes Guido
Bacciagaluppi (University of Aberdeen), Stanley Gudder (University of Denver),
Constantine Tsinakis (Vanderbilt University, Nashville).

Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Post date: December 29, 2011
Professor Associado: Filosofia Moral e Política
Deadline: January 31, 2012

Nos termos do artigo 39.º do Estatuto da Carreira Docente Universitária, aprovado pelo Decreto -Lei n.º 448/79, de 13 de Novembro, com a nova redacção introduzida pelo Decreto -Lei n.º 205/2009, de 31 de Agosto, publicado no Diário da República, 2.ª série, n.º 168, de 31/08/2009, o Reitor da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Prof. Doutor António Manuel Bensabat Rendas, por despacho de quatro de Novembro de dois mil e onze, faz saber que está aberto concurso documental, pelo prazo de 30 dias úteis, a contar do dia imediato ao da publicação deste Edital no D. R., para recrutamento de 1 posto de trabalho de Professor Associado na área disciplinar de Filosofia (Filosofia Moral e Política) da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas desta Universidade. O presente concurso é documental, tem carácter internacional e rege-se pelas disposições constantes dos artigos 37.º e seguintes do referido Estatuto.

I — Em conformidade com o que determina o citado Estatuto, são requisitos para a candidatura ao concurso em apreço, nos termos do artº. 41.º: a) Ser titular do grau de doutor há mais de 5 anos.

II — Os candidatos apresentarão os seus requerimentos de preferência em suporte digital, presencialmente na Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, sita no Campus de Campolide, 1099 -085 Lisboa, ou por via postal, em formulário disponível no Núcleo de Concursos e Provas Académicas e on -line.

O processo de candidatura deverá ser instruído com a documentação a seguir indicada:
a) Documentos comprovativos do preenchimento dos requisitos exigidos no número I;
b) 8 exemplares do curriculum do candidato em suporte digital (CD);
c) 8 exemplares em suporte digital (CD) do relatório de uma unidade curricular, no âmbito da área disciplinar a que se refere o concurso;
d) 2 «exemplares de cada um dos trabalhos mencionados no curriculum, impressos ou em suporte digital (CD).

Os documentos comprovativos da posse dos requisitos gerais de recrutamento em funções públicas, podem ser substituídos por declaração prestada no requerimento/formulário, disponível na Divisão de Concursos e Provas Académicas da Reitoria da UNL e on-line ( Os candidatos deverão entregar, dentro do prazo supramencionado, os seus requerimentos/formulários instruídos com os documentos mencionados neste Aviso de Abertura.

III — Os critérios, indicadores e ponderações, com vista à avaliação e seriação dos candidatos, aprovados pelo júri, na reunião preliminar de 6 de Dezembro de 2011, são os seguintes:

1 — Componente Científica do curriculum vitae de cada candidato (60 %):
1.1 — Publicação de Artigos e Livros Científicos (0 -15);
1.2 — Coordenação e Participação em Projectos de Investigação (0 -10);
1.3 — Direcção de Unidades de Investigação (0 -10);
1.4 — Comunicações apresentadas em Congressos e Colóquios Científicos (0 -10);
1.5 — Orientações de teses concluídas(2.os Ciclos e 3.ºs Ciclos) e de outras componentes não curriculares dos 2.º ciclos (Relatórios de Estágio e trabalhos de Projecto) (0 -10);
1.6 — Outra Actividade Científica relevante(Prémios, Pertença a Órgãos Científicos, Painéis de Avaliação Científica, sistemas de avaliação etc.) (0 -5).

2 — Componente Pedagógica (30 %):
2.1 — Diversidade de unidades curriculares ensinadas (matérias e ciclos de estudos) (0-5);
2.2 — Qualidade do material pedagógico publicado ou apresentado (0 -5);
2.3 — Participação em júris académicos de provas e concursos (0 -5);
2.4 — Outra actividade pedagógica relevante (0 -3);
2.5 — Qualidade do relatório apresentado para efeitos do concurso (0 -12).

3 — Outra actividade relevante (10 %): 3.1 — Actividades de extensão universitária (0 -5);
3.2 — Participação na gestão académica (0 -5). Em todos estes elementos de ponderação deve ser dada relevância a candidatos que demonstrem um grau de internacionalização significativo. Os candidatos deverão ser detentores de um curriculum relevante na área de Filosofia Política e demonstrar o domínio da Língua Portuguesa falada e escrita As actas do júri onde constam os parâmetros de avaliação, respectiva ponderação e os indicadores, serão facultadas aos candidatos, sempre que solicitadas.

IV — O júri tem a seguinte constituição: Presidente: Prof. Doutor José Esteves Pereira, Vice -Reitor da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, por delegação de competências Vogais: Doutor José Nuno Godinho Mendes Gil, Professor Catedrático aposentado da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; Doutor Maria Xosé Agra Romero, Professora Catedrática da Faculdade de Filosofia da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Doutor Renato Lessa, Professor Catedrático da Universidade Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro; Doutor Viriato Soromenho Marques, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa; Doutor António José Duque da silva Marques, Professor Catedrático da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa;

V — Avaliação das candidaturas: 1 — Terminado o prazo das candidaturas, reúne -se o júri para avalia- ção e ordenação dos candidatos. No caso de haver exclusão de algum dos candidatos, proceder-se-á à audiência prévia, nos termos do artigo 100.º e seguintes do Código do Procedimento Administrativo. 2 — Apreciadas as respostas dos candidatos excluídos e após a respectiva deliberação, ou no caso da admissão da totalidade dos candidatos, o júri procederá à avaliação e ordenação dos mesmos, à luz dos critérios mencionados no número III.

VI — Em cumprimento da alínea h) do artº. 9.º da Constituição, a Administração Pública, enquanto entidade empregadora, promove activamente uma política de igualdade de oportunidades entre homens e mulheres no acesso ao emprego e na progressão profissional, providenciando escrupulosamente no sentido de evitar toda e qualquer forma de discriminação.

[Diário da República, 2.ª série — N.º 247 — 27 de Dezembro de 2011]

University of Amsterdam, ILLC,
Post date: December 27, 2011
PhD position in Logic and Theoretical Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, ILLC
Deadline: February 1, 2012

A 4-year PhD position is available at the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam. This position is connected to the LogiCIC project which is funded by the European Research Council, under the ERC Starting Grant awarded to Dr. Sonja Smets.

The position is part of the larger LogiCIC project on "The Logical Structure of Correlated Information Change". The overall project aims to develop a uniform logical system that centres around correlated information change and can be used to explain and model various interactive scenarios. In particular, we will examine the correlations that arise in situations in which the very act of learning new information may directly change the reality that is being learnt. The project is interdisciplinary in nature and will combine insights and techniques from a range of research domains, including logic, quantum mechanics, philosophy of science, belief revision theory, truth approximation and learning theory. In total two PhD students, one post-doctoral researcher and the principal investigator will join the LogiCIC project team from January 2012 onwards.

The task of the PhD student for this open position is to concentrate on the study of 'correlated (higher-order) belief change in social contexts'. An example is the way in which an introspective agent changes her beliefs when learning new higher-order information, i.e. information that may refer to her own beliefs. More complex forms of correlated information change occur in groups of communicating agents whose higher-level reasoning about how others change their theories can affect the result of each individual's theory change.

We are looking for a candidate with a strong outspoken interest in Logic (especially in any of the areas such as Modal Logic, Epistemic Logic, Dynamic Logic, Linear Logic, Logic for Multi-Agent Systems in AI) and at least one of the following areas of research: Belief Revision Theory, Formal Epistemology, Game Theory, Learning Theory, Truth Approximation Theory (in Philosophy of Science).

Vacancy number W11-216. Applications will be reviewed starting 1 February 2012 and are accepted until the position is filled. For more information and details on how to send your application, see:

University College London,
United Kingdom
Post date: December 18, 2011
Keeling Graduate Scholarship and Research Assistantship in Ancient Philosophy
Deadline: February 1, 2012

Applications are invited for the Keeling Graduate Scholarship and Research Assistantship in Ancient Philosophy, at UCL, for a tenure of up to three years.

Students must be admitted to a graduate research degree in the Department of Philosophy to be eligible, and submit a research proposal in ancient Greek philosophy. The Scholarship and Research Assistantship will be for £15,000 per annum for maintenance, plus £3,460 for student fees. The Research Assistantship will involve light duties (average 6-8 hours per week), including providing assistance in organising and running the annual Keeling Lecture in Greek philosophy and associated academic events, providing assistance in organising and running the biennial Keeling Colloquium in Greek philosophy and associated academic events, and undertaking sub-editorial work towards the publication of the proceedings of the Keeling Colloquia.

UCL is widely recognised as home to a leading Philosophy Department. In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008), the UCL Philosophy Department was ranked first in the UK. Applicants will also be considered for UCL Philosophy's 5 AHRC block grants.

All applications to UCL Philosophy are due by 1st February, 2012. However, enquiries in the first instance should be directed to Dr. Fiona Leigh: fiona [dot] leigh [__at__] ucl [dot] ac [dot] uk

Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
Post date: December 16, 2011
Doctoral Fellowships
Deadline: February 15, 2012

The Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy (GSAP)is pleased to offer two fellowships for doctoral study in Ancient Philosophy.

The fellowships accord to the standards of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) such that they will cover living expenses for three years. They are for full-time study only. There are no tuition fees, but there are low administrative fees amounting to ca. 250-300 Euros per semester (which also cover free public transportation in Berlin).

The Graduate School of Ancient Philosophy
The GSAP provides a structured three-year doctoral program in ancient philosophy (in English and German). The three-year program leads to the doctoral degree in Philosophy or Classics. It includes colloquia, dissertation seminars, reading groups, tutorial supervision, international workshops, and intensive short courses. The program culminates in the writing of a doctoral dissertation (in English or German).

The School’s core faculty:

- Prof. Jonathan Beere
- Prof. Christoph Helmig
- Prof. Stephen Menn
- Prof. Philip van der Eijk
- Dr. Jacob Rosen

The School is embedded in a lively community of scholars and institutions (like the Excellence Cluster Topoi) all devoted to ancient studies.

The Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN)
Students of the program are automatically part of the international Ancient Philosophy & Science Network (APSN) initiated by the Graduate School. The APSN involves collaboration with five international partner institutions in the field of ancient philosophy and science:

- University of Chicago (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Leuven (Philosophy, De Wulf-Mansioncentre)
- Princeton University (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Toronto (Philosophy and Classics)
- University of Cambridge (History and Philosophy of Science)

Each candidate will have the opportunity to visit the partner departments, participate in (joint) conferences, or workshops, etc. Thus every PhD student at the GSAP will become a member of a vibrant international community of excellent PhD students and scholars. For more information see

The doctoral fellowships advertised here have no thematic restrictions. Interviews will be held at Berlin during the last week of March 2012. Candidates from overseas will not need to travel to Berlin for an interview.

Apply online at

University of Groningen, Faculty of Philosophy,
Post date: December 15, 2011
Assistant/Associate Professor of the History of Philosophy
Deadline: March 1, 2012

1 Position, starting August 2012. Rank: Assistant/Associate professor. Appointment at the rank of assistant for a period of up to five years (tenure track); permanent appointment at the rank of associate professor (with the possibility of promotion to full professor after a period of up to five years max.). Area of specialization: history of philosophy (one or more historical periods). Area of competence is open. Required qualifications: A completed PhD in philosophy and, depending on rank, further research experience; a strong publication record; a willingness and ability to apply for Dutch and/or European grants for research projects; excellent didactic qualities.
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education. The Faculty of Philosophy is a vibrant, international community of excellent lecturers and researchers. It consistently receives the highest evaluations both for research and for teaching among philosophy departments in the Netherlands.
The University of Groningen offers a salary dependent on qualifications and work experience in accordance with the Dutch university system: asst: from € 3,195 to a max. of € 4,970 euro gross per month; assoc.: from € 3,872 to a max. of € 5,920 euro gross per month.
Applications should include: a cover letter, CV, a list of publications, a 1-page statement of current and prospective research, and three articles or equivalent output. Applications should be sent to Mrs Fré Moorrees, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Oude Boteringestraat 52, NL-9712 GL Groningen; email: filosofie [__at__] rug [dot] nl.
Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly to the chair: Prof. Lodi Nauta, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen, Oude Boteringestraat 52, NL-9712 GL Groningen; l [dot] w [dot] nauta [__at__] rug [dot] nl. He can also be contacted for inquiries.
Initial review of applications starts early March, 2012, and continues as long as needed to identify a qualified applicant pool. Interviews (skype or on-site) are scheduled for Spring.

Edutainmentcenter für Philosophie und Ethik,
Pommritz bei Bautzen/Dresden,
Post date: December 3, 2011
Innovative Philosophische Dienstleistungen
Deadline: February 13, 2012

Gesucht werden vorerst 2 freie Mitarbeiter mit der Fähigkeit, eine ganzheitliche Weltsicht als inspirierende Erlebniswelten zu den Themen "Freiheit", "Bewusstsein" und "Glück" zu gestalten und anderen freudvoll zu vermitteln.
Die bisherige Pommritzer Interaktive Lernwerkstatt für Philosophie und Ethik wurde und wird erweitert zu einem ganzheitlichen Dienstleistungszentrum für Philosophie. Philosophie wird dabei nicht als entrücktes Spielfeld für Abstraktionen, sondern als denkend nachvollziehbare und begeisternde Ganzheitserlebnisse verstanden, ohne welche weder persönliche Freiheit, noch ganzheitliche Gesundheit und Glück möglich sind.
Im Sinne Heideggers: "Das Denken vollbringt den Bezug des Seins zum Wesen des Menschen"; und Will Durants:
"Verhalten und Glauben der Menschen durchlaufen gegenwärtig eine Transformation, die tiefer und verstörter ist als je zuvor. Die glückliche Einheit der Instinkte ist vorbei und wir zappeln in einem Meer von Zweifeln. Inmitten riesiger Bestände an Wissen und Macht sind wir unserer Ziele, Zwecke und Werte unsicherer denn je. Vorbei ist die Balance des Geistes, welche einst aus einer warmen Religion kam. Wissenschaft nahm uns die übernatürliche Basis unserer Moral und alle Welt scheint verbraucht durch ungeordneten Individualismus, welcher die chaotische Fragmentierung unseres Charakters ausdrückt. Unser Leben ist sinnlos und leer, selbst wenn es am vollsten scheint. Wir bewegen uns mit unvorhersehbarer Geschwindigkeit über die Erde, aber wir haben kein Wissen und keine Ahnung, wohin wir gehen und wie wir wirkliches Glück für unsere getriebenen Seelen finden können.
Lasst uns unsere Angst vor unvermeidlichen Fehlern beiseitelegen, all die Probleme unserer Gegenwart überschauen und versuchen, alle Teile dieses Puzzles im Licht des Ganzen zu sehen. Lasst uns Philosophie als „ganzheitliche, holistische, integrale Perspektive“ verstehen, als Geist, der das Leben durchfließt und das Chaos ins Ganze integriert. Vielleicht bringt uns so verstandene Philosophie Heilung und Einheit unserer Seele. Durch eine solche Ganzheit des Geistes können Zwecke und Charakter jene Integrität bekommen, welche Persönlichkeiten ausmachen; und Sinn, Ordnung und Würde in unsere Existenz bringen. Philosophie ist harmonisiertes Wissen welches ein harmonisches Leben ermöglicht. Es ist Selbstdisziplin die uns sowohl zu Sicherheit als auch zur Freiheit erhebt. Wissen ist Macht, aber nur Weisheit bringt ganzheitliches Gesundsein, Freiheit und Glück." (Will Durant: Was ist Philosophie)

Leibniz Universität Hannover,
Post date: November 24, 2011
Post-doctoral position (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)
Deadline: December 15, 2011

Leibniz Universität Hannover seeks to fill a post-doctoral position ("Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter") within the Institute of Philosophy.

AOS: Philosophy of Science, broadly conceived, AOC: open. Initial appointment will be for three years, after which the position will be renewable for up to two more years. The salary scale is TV-L 13, which amounts to a minimum salary of ca. 39.800 € p.a. (possibly more, depending on experience). The position is attached to the Chair for Philosophy and History of the Natural Sciences (Professor Torsten Wilholt).

The Institute of Philosophy at Leibniz Universität Hannover has recently been re-organized with the aim of establishing an emphasis on philosophy of science. For a list of current faculty and other information see

The primary obligations of the postholder will be to conduct research on her or his own responsibility and to fulfill a weekly teaching obligation of four hours during term period. (This will typically mean two classes, with each of them meeting once a week for 90 minutes. There are two term periods per year, each lasting 15 weeks.) Cooperation with the other members of the Institute with regard to administrative tasks will also be expected.

An official job ad was published in German and can be found under Applications may be submitted in either English or German, with no preference given to either. The "usual application materials" mentioned in the official job ad include a cover letter highlighting your individual qualification for the position and explaining your future plans for research, a detailed CV (also including information on publications and courses taught) and photocopies of relevant certificates. Applicants should hold a PhD in philosophy or HPS (or similar program). Applicants nearing completion of their PhD can also be considered.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Torsten Wilholt (torsten [dot] wilholt [__at__] philos [dot] uni-hannover [dot] de).

Applications must be received by December 15, 2011 and should be sent to

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Institut für Philosophie
Prof. Dr. Torsten Wilholt
Im Moore 21

30167 Hannover

Electronic applications in pdf format are equally welcome and should be sent to Professor Wilholt's email address, given above.

Leibniz Universität Hannover aims to promote women within the scope of the statutory provisions and, hence, emphatically invites qualified women to apply for this position. Severely disabled applicants will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification. The University expressly welcomes applications by scholars and researchers from abroad.