Jobs in Philosophy in Asia/Africa/Australasia
The Department of Philosophy at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, invites applications for a position at the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer. The position will be full time and permanent subject to a three-year probationary period.
Candidates in any field of philosophy will be considered. However, we are particularly interested in candidates with diverse expertise in both a traditional core area of Western philosophy and an area outside the traditional core areas of Western philosophy. For example, ethics plus feminist philosophy, epistemology plus Indian philosophy, or early modern philosophy plus African philosophy, etc.
Candidates should possess a PhD, tertiary teaching experience, and a publication record commensurate with the level of appointment. Postgraduate supervision experience is desirable for appointment at the rank of Senior Lecturer.
To apply, submit a covering letter, detailed CV with details (including e-mail addresses) of three academic referees, evidence of teaching quality, and certified copies of identity documents and qualifications, to Ms Pumla Ngcobo, Humanities Human Resources Office, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag 3, WITS 2050, South Africa. Applications may alternatively be emailed to Pumla [dot] Ngcobo [__at__] wits [dot] ac [dot] za
Enquiries about the position may be directed to the Head of the Department of Philosophy at +27 011 717 4345 or philosophy [__at__] social [dot] wits [dot] ac [dot] za
Closing date for applications is 30 April 2011. The University reserves the right not to make an appointment and to continue searching after the closing date. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted, and will be asked to submit a research sample such as a journal article or book chapter. No submitted application materials will be returned.
UNSW is one of Australia's most progressive teaching and research-intensive universities, with a particular commitment to fundamental and applied research, social engagement and an international perspective. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences was ranked as one of the top four universities in the Humanities and Creative Arts in the Federal Government’s inaugural Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) ranking, with a 5 in History and a 4 in Philosophy. The Faculty is now seeking an outstanding scholar and an inspiring academic leader to be the next Head of the School of History and Philosophy. The person appointed will:
1. Play a leading role in building on the School's ERA research achievements
2. Ensure the continued excellence of its teaching programs at all levels
3. Contribute to the implementation of a new Faculty plan
4. Make a substantial contribution to the Faculty's senior management team.
As an internationally respected scholar in a relevant field, with an established research and publication profile, your leadership experience in a university or comparable institution will enable you to bring to the role:
1. A breadth of academic vision and intellectual enthusiasm that encompasses the range of disciplines within the School
2. The ability to motivate and manage people in the context of a 'performance-based meritocracy'
3. The organizational skills needed to reinforce research capacity and performance, to enhance the quality of student experience, and to develop the Faculty's reputation, both within and beyond the University
4. The energy and resilience needed to deal with the challenges and opportunities offered by an ambitious university, including change management
5. The communication skills necessary to take the School forward and to represent UNSW in forums such as the Group of Eight.
The appointment as Head of School is a full-time five-year renewable position, and the successful candidate will also hold a substantive continuing appointment either as a Professor or Associate Professor. The Head of School appointment offers an attractive remuneration package.
EEO groups are encouraged to apply. The University reserves the right to fill the position by invitation. Applicants should address the selection criteria contained in the Position Statement systematically in their application.
To obtain the position description and full documentation, and for further enquiries please contact Dr Rosalind De Sailly, Principal Consultant, on rdesailly [__at__] gmail [dot] com or +61 (0) 414 574 945.
LogicMills Learning Centre is looking for Philosophers who would enjoy teaching philosophy through playing games. Responsibilities include teaching philosophical concepts and thinking skills to both young and old, research and development into new ways of fostering philosophical inquiry in students, and other non-teaching duties. Research support and conference funding available. Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in Philosophy at time of application. AOS/AOC is open, but competence in logic and critical reasoning is a must. Teaching experience is not necessary. Salary competitive. We are looking to hire immediately. Please send letter of intent, CV, writing sample, and contact information for three references to: applications [__at__] logicmills [dot] com. LogicMills is a Singapore-based, MOE registered, private teaching company.
Lecturer in Philosophy / Research Fellow in Cognitive Science
Reference Number (015Z1)
Department of Philosophy and ARC Centre for Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders
Macquarie University
The Department of Philosophy and the Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders at Macquarie University (the host institution of the Centre) wish to appoint a Lecturer/Research Fellow. For the first 5 years, the appointment will be full-time involving 0.5 teaching and research in the Philosophy Department and 0.5 research only in the ARC Centre for Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders. After this initial 5 year period the position will revert to a 0.5 continuing teaching and research position in the Philosophy Department. (There is a strong possibility that the position will become a full-time position in Philosophy after the initial 5 year period, but this cannot be guaranteed.)
The Department of Philosophy is a pluralist teaching and research department. As Lecturer in Philosophy, the appointee will contribute to teaching in the Mind, Metaphysics and Meaning stream of the Philosophy Department’s undergraduate program and to the supervision of Honours and Postgraduate students in this stream. As Research Fellow in Cognitive Science, the appointee will conduct research in ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders at the host institution of Macquarie University. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to at least one of the Centre's programme areas in cognitive science: belief formation, language, memory, person perception, and reading. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to fostering research links between the Philosophy Department and the Centre. For further information about the programme areas of the Centre see
Essential criteria: Applicants must hold a PhD in Philosophy by the time of appointment, and must have an established research track record, demonstrated success in undergraduate teaching, and the potential to undertake Honours and Postgraduate supervision in Philosophy and Cognitive Science.
Desirable criterion: Applicants should have a demonstrated record of collaboration with cognitive scientists.
Appointment Type: The position is available on a continuing basis from July 2011 subject to probationary conditions (continuing level B position, full-time for five years, half-time position thereafter)
Enquiries: Further particulars of the position can be obtained from Clara Wong (clara [dot] wong [__at__] mq [dot] edu [dot] au). Enquiries about the position should be directed to Associate Professor Jean-Philippe Deranty (jp [dot] deranty [__at__] mq [dot] edu [dot] au) or Professor Peter Menzies (peter [dot] menzies [__at__] mq [dot] edu [dot] au). Further information about the Philosophy Department can be found at Further information about the ARC Centre of Excellence in Cognition and its Disorders can be found at
Salary Package: Level (B) salary range $77,670 to $92,103 pa, plus annual leave loading and 17% employer’s superannuation.
Applications Close: 30 January 2011
Macquarie University is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a commitment to diversity and social inclusion. We encourage applications from Indigenous Australians; people with a disability; those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; and women (particularly for senior and non-traditional vacancies).
Please note that only those applications submitted via the Macquarie University Online Recruitment System will be accepted.
The Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) invites applications for a tenure-track position at or above the Assistant Professor level, effective August 1, 2011. Qualifications: doctorate in philosophy. AOS: basic areas of philosophy, such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics or philosophy of language and mind. The applicant must be fluent in Chinese (Mandarin). Responsibilities: teaching three courses per semester (including at least one undergraduate level course), academic research, graduate supervision and participation in departmental activities. Teaching experience preferable but not necessary. Applications should contain: (1) curriculum vitae; (2) Ph.D. diploma or certification-letter---official documents must be submitted to the administration of the university by August 1, 2011; (3) dissertation and, if any, other relevant publications; (4) three letters of recommendation; (5) statement concerning research orientation and (6) syllabi for courses that would be offered. All items, which must be received by the above deadline, should be sent to:
Graduate Institute of Philosophy
National Tsing Hua University
Hsinchu 300, TAIWAN
For any further information, feel free to contact Professor Wen-Hong, Huang , email , tel: 886-3-5729336 or fax: 886-3-5729337. Website:
The Asian University for Women invites applications for a full-time faculty position in Asian Religion and Philosophy. Applicants must hold a PhD in Religion, Religious Studies, or Philosophy or be on track to receive their PhD prior to their appointment to the faculty. Applicants should have expertise in historical and contemporary South, Southeast or East Asian religions and religious thought, intellectual and social traditions, or philosophy. Faculty members will be expected to teach two courses per term, typically one in the core curriculum and one in the Asian Studies major.
The AUW is an innovative liberal arts institution with an international faculty and students drawn from across Asia. The University is located in the port city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. AUW values a strong commitment to research, a promise of successful scholarly engagement, and dedication to teaching excellence in a liberal arts environment. The AUW offers a competitive package of salary and benefits, including housing, for faculty members and their families who relocate with them to Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Please submit cover letter, CV, the names of three references, graduate transcripts, teaching statement, research statement, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and one or two scholarly papers and/or other writing samples as either MS Word or PDF files to Ms. Tasneem Abedin, Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost, Asian University for Women (tasneem [dot] abedin [__at__] auw [dot] edu [dot] bd).
Applications will be considered until the position is filled, but for best consideration, please submit your application by January 8, 2010. Please refer to AUW’s website at: for further detail.
Ormond College is seeking to appoint a stipendiary fellow in classical philosophy known as the Seymour Reader in Ancient History & Philosophy – a post established through a bequest by Percy and Beatrice Seymour for ‘instruction in Ancient History and Philosophy’. The Reader will also be a member of the University of Melbourne’s School of Historical and Philosophical Studies.
Term of appointment: Three years, preferably beginning in 1 February 2010, but subject to negotiation.
Stipend: A package including salary and superannuation in the range of A$110,000
The Reader will teach courses in Greek Philosophy and in ancient languages (Greek or Latin) in the University’s School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, and help establish and teach a program on the history of ideas of justice beginning with ideas from the classical world for Ormond students. The Reader will also be encouraged to pursue his/her own program of research.
This is a continuing position with an AOS of Political and Applied Philosophy; AOC is open. For further details of the position, as well as information on how to apply for the position, please consult the University of Melbourne website at the link given below.
A continuing position with an AOS of continental philosophy; AOC is open. For full details of the position, as well as instructions on how to apply for the position, please consult the University of Melbourne website at the link given below.
REFERENCE NO. 2953/0910
• Internationally recognised school
• Join the Pragmatic Foundations Project
• Develop your academic career under the guidance and support of leading academics
The University of Sydney is Australia's premier University with an outstanding global reputation for academic and research excellence, and employs over 6,800 permanent staff supporting over 46,000 students.
The School invites applications from qualified individuals for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships, to be tenable in the Centre for Time, Department of Philosophy, SOPHI in the Faculty of Arts.
Successful applicants will join the Pragmatic Foundations Project, established in association with a second ARC Federation Fellowship awarded to Professor Huw Price in 2007. Further details of the project may be obtained from Professor Price (contact details below). The appointees will be expected to conduct research in an area of philosophy of relevance to the project; to assist in organising research workshops and conferences; vigorously to pursue new external research funding in support of these activities, both individually and in collaboration with other researchers; and to assist in the supervision of postgraduate research students.
The successful applicants must have a PhD or equivalent in a relevant area of philosophy, and very strong evidence of research performance and potential at international level. Experience in the organisation of research networks, workshops and seminars, and evidence of ability to work cooperatively with others, are desirable.
The positions are full-time fixed term for up to two years, by arrangement, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period. We welcome applications from researchers seeking secondment from positions elsewhere, and will endeavour to offer flexible starting dates, etc, to successful candidates seeking such arrangements. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees. For further information contact Professor Huw Price on +61 2 9351 4057 or e-mail: huw [dot] price [__at__] sydney [dot] edu [dot] au.
Remuneration package: a competitive remuneration package at Academic A from $85,991 is available (consisting of a base salary of $72,664, leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation).
All applications must be submitted via The University of Sydney careers website. Visit and search by the reference number for more information and to apply.
CLOSING DATE: 3 December 2010
The University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity and social inclusion. Applications from equity target groups and women are encouraged.
The University reserves the right not to proceed with any appointment.