Lecturer TU/e Eindhoven April - July 2020 (part time 0,6 FTE)

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
Eindhoven Universtiy of Technology
Job Description: 

Job description
The Lecturer will be expected to teach a compulsory introductory course on ethics of technology for first year engineering students. The lecturer will work as part of a team of lecturers.
Job requirements
Candidates are expected to have a PhD in philosophy, preferably in the field of ethics, applied ethics, ethics of technology or philosophy of technology, and have proven expertise in teaching philosophy courses. Experience with teaching to large groups and/or teaching philosophy to non-philosophy students is desirable.
Conditions of employment
We offer 0,6 fte employment for a fixed period of 3,5 month, starting the 6 th of April 2020. The salary will be in the range of € 2.709 and € 4.274 gross per month (based on a fulltime salary). This salary excludes the standard yearly holiday allowance of 8% of the yearly salary and end year allowance of 8.3% of the yearly salary.
Information and application
For informal inquiries about the position please contact Andreas Spahn (a.spahn[at]ue.nl or +31-40-247 274 6). Further information concerning employment conditions can be obtained from Kim van Puijenbroek, HR advisor IE&IS, (pz.ieis[at]tue.nl or +31-40-247 5102).
Please upload your letter of interest, a curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations (if available) and at least one letter of recommendation to our website. (We kindly but strongly request you not to send us your documents by email.)

Deadline for Applications: 
January 20, 2020
a [dot] spahn [__at__] tue [dot] nl
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