3 fully funded PhD-position in Theoretical Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science

Job List: 
Name of institution: 
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg
Job Description: 

The Department of Philosophy, Lingustics and Theory of Science announces three fully funded PhD-positions, one in each of the subjects Theoretical Philosophy, Logic, and Theory of Science. The positions are proper employments, subject to the favourable conditions of standard Swedish social benefits, such as paid parental leave.

For the announcement, go here: http://www.flov.gu.se/english/education/doctoral-studies-third-cycle/adm...
For eligibility requirements, go here: http://www.flov.gu.se/english/education/doctoral-studies-third-cycle/pos...

The successful applicant will be expected to work on a research-subject for which we can provide highly skilled supervision. We therefore recommend that you visit the research webpages of the relevant subjects to find out more about the research conducted there:

For theoretical philosophy, please visit: http://www.flov.gu.se/english/research/theoretical-philosophy/
For logic, visit: http://www.flov.gu.se/english/research/logic/
And for theory of science (website in Swedish): http://www.flov.gu.se/forskning/forskningsomraden/vetenskapsteori/

The successful candidate is expected to be proficient in English.

Deadline for Applications: 
May 12, 2014
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